
What genres do you read? 

Romance, Historical Romance, Paranormal Anything, Urban Fantasy, Young  Adult Fantasy, YA Romance, YA Urban Fantasy/Paranormal, some Middle Grade, some Horror/Thriller, a few Crime/Mystery (Like the Eve Dallas books by J.D Robb). 

What genres do you avoid? 

Non fiction.

Any on the fence? 

Erotica -- I'm currently not reading this, but I may in the future. 

Is this a concrete list?

No, it's not. Neither is it a completed list--I'm sure there are more that I read, and I'll add as I remember/discover genres. Feel free to send me suggestions if you like. If you email me (address is at the bottom of this page), please be sure to put "Book Suggestion: Book Babe" in the Subject line. 

I'm a publicist/author/publisher, do you accept ARCs or previously published material for review?

Yes, I accept both, provided that they're in genres I read. If I do accept an ARC, it will be noted in the review. Be aware that my reviews will be honest.

Do your reviews contain spoilers?

I will endeavor to keep my reviews free of spoilers, but if I simply cannot avoid it, I will make certain to mark where they begin and when they end.

Why do you review books? 

My love of reading drew me to a love of writing, and I'm currently pursuing a career in writing books. While most of my focus is on that, I still make time to read as much as I can.  I love to recommend books to others, which is why I created this blog.  

If you don't like a book, how will you approach that?

As a writer, I know I wouldn't want to read reviews that rip at a book or the author, and I hope others feel the same. You will not find a review here that simply rips at an author or a book. Honesty, yes. Cruelty, no. If I don't like a book, I will privately email the author/publicist/publisher and explain. You won't find a review here below a 3 Star rating.

Will you post your reviews anywhere else?

All reviews found here can also be found at 
Goodreads--barring Series reviews, since that's of the series as a whole, rather than individual books. In the event that my rating here is a 3.5, I will round up or down depending on the book and my opinion. 

My question isn't addressed here! What do I do?

You can reach me via email or twitter--either one is about as fast. 

Email: bookbabe _ 92 AT yahoo DOT com

Twitter: @Bookbabe92